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Barbara Dillon


(1927 - 0)

Image of Barbara Dillon

Barbara Dillon was born in Montclair, New Jersey, and received a B.A. degree in English from Brown University. She worked for seven years as an editorial assistant for The New Yorker magazine and sold her first story to Woman’s Day magazine at the age of 23. She currently resides in Darien, CT.

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The Beast in the Bed (1981)

beast in the bed conover dillon.jpg book cover

A Beast whose vocation is to be the imaginary friend of lonely children, must find a new home.

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Author(s): Barbara Dillon
Illustrator(s): Chris Conover

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What’s Happened to Harry? (1982)

whats happened to harry dillon conover.jpg book cover

An unwary Harry ends up as a poodle on All Hallows Eve.

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Author(s): Barbara Dillon
Illustrator(s): Chris Conover

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